

2016年1月7日 星期四

Stockholm Beret

針號: 4.5mm 羅紋編
         5.0mm 帽身
用量: 53g
尺寸: 頭圍50cm  帽頂直徑約25cm
2015.12.31開始 → 2016.1.2完成

實戴 側面

實戴 背面

* 關於線材

成份: ALP(駝羊毛)30%、A(亞克力)70%


* 關於織圖
圖樣參考:Ravelry 免費織圖 - Stockholm Scarf

Stockholm Scarf 是 TKA 2015-12的團織,團織還沒打完,就插單打了帽子XD

CO - cast on
k - knit
k2tog - knit 2 sts together
p - purl
PM - place marker
sl 1  - slip 1 stitch
st(s) - stitch(es)
yo - yarn over

Using smaller needles (4.5mm) CO 96 sts. PM and join for working in the round. Work in 2x2 rib for 2 inches.
Change to larger needles (5.0mm) and work set-up round:*k, kfb,k, kfb,k3, kfb,k3, kfb,k3,kfb * repeat 6 times.(126 sts)

round 1: *p1, k3, p2, k1*
round 2: *p1,  sl1, k2, pass slipped stitch over the k2, p1, yo, p1, k1*
round 3: *p1, k2, p3, k1*
round 4: *p1, k1, yo, k1, sl1, p2, pass slipped stitch over the p2, k1*
Repeat round1~4 9 times.

round 1: [ *p1, k3, p2, k1* 2 times, p1, k3, p1, k2tog.] 6 times (20 sts *6)
round 2: [ *p1,  sl1, k2, pass slipped stitch over the k2, p1, yo, p1, k1* 2 times, p1, sl1, k2, pass slipped stitch over the k2, k2tog.] 6 times (18 sts *6)
round 3: [  *p1, k2, p3, k1* 2 times, p1, k1, k2tog.] 6 times (17sts *6)
round 4: [  *p1, k1, yo, k1, sl1, p2, pass slipped stitch over the p2, k1* 2 times, p1, k2tog.] 6 times (16 sts *6)
round 5: [ *p1, k3, p2, k1* 2 times, k2tog.] 6 times (15 sts *6)
round 6: [ p1,  sl1, k2, pass slipped stitch over the k2, p1, yo, p1, k1, p1,  sl1, k2, pass slipped stitch over the k2, p1, yo, p1, k2tog.] 6 times (14 sts *6)
round 7: [  p1, k2, p3, k1, p1, k2, p2, k2tog ] 6 times (13 sts *6)
round 8: [  p1, k1, yo, k1, sl1, p2, pass slipped stitch over the p2, k1, p1, k1, yo, k1,p1, k2tog ] 6 times (13 sts *6)
round 9: [ p1, k3, p2, k1, p1, k3, k2tog.] 6 times (12 sts *6)
round 10: [ p1, sl1, k2, pass slipped stitch over the k2, p1, yo, p1, k1,p1, k2, k2tog.] 6 times (11 sts *6)
round 11: [  p1, k2, p3, k1,p1, k1, k2tog.] 6 times (10 sts *6)
round 12: [  p1, k1, yo, k1, sl1, p2, pass slipped stitch over the p2, k1,p1,k2tog.] 6 times (9 sts *6)
round 13: [ p1, k3, p2, k1,k2tog.] 6 times (8 sts *6)
round 14: [ p1,  sl1, k2, pass slipped stitch over the k2, p1, yo, p1, k2tog.] 6 times (7 sts *6)
round 15: [  p1, k2, p2, k2tog.] 6 times (6 sts *6)
round 16: [  p1, k1, yo, k1,p1,k2tog.] 6 times (6 sts *6)
round 17: [ p1, k3, k2tog.] 6 times (5 sts *6)
round 18: [ p1, k2, k2tog.] 6 times (4 sts *6)
round 19: [ p1, k1, k2tog.] 6 times (3 sts *6)
round 20: [ p1, k2tog.] 6 times (2 sts *6)
round 21: [ k2tog.] 6 times (6 sts)

Cut yarn, leaving an 8 inch tail. Draw the yarn tail through the remaining live sts and pull to close top of hat. Weave in ends and block your hat.

